Monday, September 24, 2012

The Water Truck Project: Interesting merger of two concepts - 3d printing a...

The Water Truck Project: Interesting merger of two concepts - 3d printing a...: Interesting merger of two concepts - 3d printing and emergency housing. I am not sure I buy it... seems to me that this is another version ...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


BOINC is an open-source software platform for computing using volunteered resources. It is really cool information and visual maps of real informations about thousands of information form around our Earth as well as form the farthest reaches of space we can compute. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The day I didn't turn with the world

Super epic video piece by Guido van der Werve, on display at the Sonic Acts festival and exhibition in Amsterdamn. I can't find a video of it online, but having seen a bit of it curtesy of a professor, it is 24 hours of the artist standing in place in the Arctic as the sun and clouds pass overhead. Standing on the axis of the planet, the world spins around him. Here are some cool making-of pics.

Monday, March 19, 2012


SUN BOXES CRAIG COLORUSSO // University of West Florida 3.06-3.08.12 from TAG UWF on Vimeo.

Ethereal Sound Sculptures by artist Craig Colorusso.The Sun Boxes play a prerecorded sound file, modulted by the specifics of the sun ray/heat received by the attached solar panels. Colorusso says:
"The coolest reaction, is when people say Sun Boxes have altered the space. The piece allows space to slow down and see all the things that unfold over time. The volume is loud enough to engulf the participants but with enough space to allow for ambient sounds of the landscape to enter the mix. Traffic, bird sounds, wind, dogs barking, people talking even an ambulance, all these things are presented in a musical context with Sun Boxes.

The idea has also taken the form of a vinyl release and an app that makes shifting soundscapes with networked smart phones.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A shantytown of houses that can be played as instruments. Built by a group of artists (including the wheat-pasting Swoon from Brooklyn) in New Orleans, The Music Box: A Shantytown Sound Laboratory is full of all kinds of cool music gadgets, and seems very open to growth with other artists and the audience.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pedal Powered Concert

On the topic of energy, here is a really cool alternative energy project hosted by NYC's Pedal Power.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

51 Declarations for the Future, by Francis Whitehead

1. Climate change = culture change
2. Sustanability is a cultural problem
3. Culture is everywhere
4. Ethics and aesthetics are inseparable
5. We need a new metaphysic
6. This is ideological
7. This is pragmatic
8. This is a call to arms

9. Opt in
10. Question autonomy
11. Seek agency
12. Claim knowledge not just creativity
13. Move beyond critique
14. Demonstrate alternatives
15. Put up or shut up
16. Connect the dots
17. Be suspicious of expertise
18. Redirect contemporary practice

19. Think systematically
20. Contend with complexity
21. Champion diversity
22. Create legibility
23. Solve more than one problem at a time
24. Sit at the collective table
25. Innovate through collaboration
26. Account for intangibles
27. Subvert the cultural quo
28. Violate your own taste
29. Get comfortable being uncomfortable

30. Start where you are
31. Re-localize radically
32. Envision place-based practice
33. Develop spatial literacy
34. Work at all scales
35. Create situated knowledge

36. The world is dynamic
37. Adaptation is key
38. Our perception is limited
39. The future arrives every day
40. We are running out of time

41. We are world makers
42. We are culture workers
43. We are change agents and double agents
44. We are proactive
45. We are problem-finders
46. We are at home in the future
47. We claim intentionality not morality
48. We practice in public
49. We know we don't know
50. We make new knowledge
51. We change culture.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pipilotti Rist "Sip My Ocean" 1996

                                          mirrored video projection!
                                          check out ... more work by Pipilotti Rist

Sunday, February 12, 2012

this is the movie I was talking about in class.
"Touch the Sound"about percussionist Evelyn Glennie.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Zimoun, 294 prepared dc-motors, cork balls, cardboard boxes 41x41x41cm, 2012.
297 x 589 x 503 cm.
Photo by John Berens.


February 2–March 10, 2012

bitforms gallery nyc
529 West 20th St
New York NY 10011

The Swiss Artist, Zimoun, who was mentioned in class this week is showing at bitforms gallery. On view will be an immersive, site-specific sound installation based on prepared dc-motors and cardboard boxes.

Part of a series that received its U.S. debut in a solo exhibition at the Ringling Museum of Art this Fall, the installation emphasizes the grid as a method of visual organization. Precariously balanced rows of cardboard boxes form an architectural space containing a rumbling din produced by mechanical motors humming in unison.

Pulsing rhythmically, each unit in the system reverberates with its own sense of purpose and timing. Temporal microstructures emerge and shift, made visible by collective behavior. With minimalist and low-tech means, Zimoun constructs a blank zone of play utilizing repetition and the physical pressure of vibration.

As an author, Zimoun uses scale and tools of amplification to transform our associations with commonplace industrial objects. Tuned into kinetic and acoustic detail, his obsessive displays of collected materials unlock emotional potential in otherwise banal and chaotic gestures. In his work static volume permeates a space, yielding reductive clocklike operas of the everyday.

For the duration of the show, the gallery's project room on the 6th floor will also feature four mechanical works by the artist and a video.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cyborg Digital Keytar

The "VoltAxe" - Crazy awesome music controller built by artist Julie Covello as part of a residency at the Clocktower gallery in New York. The eyepiece she's wearing displays the screen of the computer she uses to perform., creating a a very active and cyborg-like performer. There are some more photos here. And this song was supposedly made live with the VoltAxe:

Minor schwing by FreebassBK

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tree Ring Turntable

YEARS from Bartholomäus Traubeck on Vimeo.

Artist Bartholomäus Traubeck created a machine to play cross-sections of trees like records, reading the annual rings in the wood like grooves. The mechanism uses an Arduino controller and a Playstation Eye Camera to analyze the lines present in the wood, and then a program translates the visual cues into a virtual piano instrument. In an interview on Motherboard, Traubeck says:

yes every tree produces a different composition. Sometimes it’s more obvious , sometime it’s not. The effect can be examined best by comparing different types of trees, for example fir tree sounds a lot more minimalistic and has a very abstract rhythm compared to an ash tree which is more full sounding and rhythmic and loud.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

University of Arizona scientists organizing first-ever black hole photograph

Event Horizon Telescope will combine images from 50 telescopes making a virtual telescope with a mirror that is as big as the Earth.

Protect IP/SOPA Breaks the Internet. Keep the Internet Free!

Tell Congress not to censor the internet, and favoring the entertainment industry and harming artists and other creatives. It will also hurt search engines. KEEP THE INTERNET and ART free!

Monday, January 2, 2012